commercial a/c enclosure
Frontier Steel Products offers two patented commercial air conditioner enclosures. Both are designed as a deterrent to vandalism and thieves targeting your organization's outdoor air conditioner (A/C) compressor units, their freon, and
their copper.

the need

The Need To Protect
Unfortunately, it happens. A business contacted us after their exterior air conditioner units were stolen from their property. Their insurance coverage only covered half of the $80,000 loss due to theft. That business chose to purchase
our A/C anti-theft enclosures to help prevent it from happening again.
After January 1, 2020, it will be illegal to import and to manufacture R22 refrigerant (R22 freon) in the United States. Thieves are extracting R22 freon from unprotect air conditioners, and stealing entire units for the copper
metal as well as for the A/C compressor itself.
Call us to learn more: 817-341-9500
two styles

A/C Units

Call us to learn more: 817-341-9500
For Split A/C Units
Call us to learn more: 817-341-9500