residential a/c enclosure
Frontier Steel Products patented air conditioner enclosure is designed as a deterrent to vandalism and thieves targeting outdoor A/C compressor units and copper. Our protective air conditioner enclosure is made up of an open framework of steel structural members that surround and protect the unit.

Outdoor air conditioning units are susceptible to theft because they contain valuable copper and R22 freon.
On January 1, 2020, R22 refrigerant (R22 freon) became illegal for import into, or manufactured in, the United States. Thieves will be looking to extract the R22 freon from accessible units so that they can sell
it, or use it themselves.

Enclosure installation and access to the air conditioner is quick and easy due to our design that features the absence of bolts and nuts or pins.
Four legs are adjustable for leveling. The legs can be attached to a concrete pad or anchored in the ground with concrete.
Call us to learn more: 817-341-9500